Thursday, June 18, 2009

More ducky business…

I know I originally said that this blog would be more about creative ideas and endeavours, but this paddling of ducks is a muse of sorts, and certainly amusing!  And yes, apparently a group of ducks is not a flock unless in flight, but can also be called a paddling, a skiff, a raft, a team and a brace, among other terms, and since ours don’t fly (mama’s wings are clipped and the youngsters aren’t quite there yet) I think a paddling sounds good, don’t you?

Mostly, I just had to add this picture which my mom sent to me in an email last night with the caption, “and Lola came home with her friends.”

lola 149

Apparently, they wandered into the kitchen and made themselves right at home. I think it must be Lola in the front because she looks like she is about to topple over and you can see that the one on the left has a slimy beak from chowing on slugs in the garden. The best of both worlds, wouldn’t you say?

I’m not sure how my mom will feel to see her oh-so-up-to-date kitchen posted to the worldwide web, but it is one of the many rooms that will have to wait for an overhaul, and really, what does it matter when there is a window above the sink that looks out at the ocean just beyond a rolling hill…


  1. Yay! More on Lola!

    Have you ever seen the film, "Cross Creek," about Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings who wrote "The Yearling"? Regardless, for some reason this blog suddenly made me think of her story, with respect to your original plan for this blog, and the direction, or side-trip, it's taking.

    Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings came to the tiny hamlet of Cross Creek Florida to write "Romance" novels. However, her publisher was so enchanted by the snippets of "stories" about the quirky people and animals she wrote about in the letters she enclosed with her romance novel manuscripts, he encouraged her to write a book about her "real" life and the wonderful and natural strange beauty of the swampy little "town" of Cross Creek. So she did, and she won the Pulitzer for her efforts.

    I'm enamored by your "stories" of Lola, as well as your Mom's kitchen "with the window that looks out on the ocean." I hope you keep it up. You live in one of the most beautiful places on the planet, and I, for one, enjoy reading about it!

  2. The ducky cronicles are most intriguing...I'm sure there are many more stories to tell so I'll keep my eyes on you...
